Some random musings about my time on my bike while riding across Iowa with Team Cuisine.

Monday, July 21, 2014

What will my marriage survive? Apparently anything.

With day one under my belt Monday, on paper, was gonna be a piece of cake. On paper. With our location from the start of the route we were already 10 miles to start but not an issue, yet. I had the tremendous pleasure of having my wife ride with me because I told her "you can do 40 miles easy!" and she did but there was the 10 miles at the start and, as it turns out, another 10 at the end to get to the next house bringing the total to 62. A mark that is considered to be a metric century (100 km), an honor my wife did not care about one bit but she was a trooper and pedaled her ass off & rolled into Emmetsburg with a smile on her face. The other great part was we took our time in the towns to get to enjoy what Iowans are capable of while extending their welcome.

After bidding my wife goodbye for the next couple weeks I was able to shower and get caught up here but I have to cut short because dinner is about to be explained and I can't miss this. I will regale you with tonights menu in tomorrow's post. 

Goodbye for now from Emmetsburg.

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