Some random musings about my time on my bike while riding across Iowa with Team Cuisine.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

To SAG or not to SAG

SAG (support and gear) vehicles are common on rides like RAGBRAI and they are there to assist riders. When you take one of those, or any other ride, you are conisdered SAGing. Today we are having our support team drive us to the halfway point to start today because the high headwinds are back today but only with 105-110 degrees temps. Plus like I said in the last post, this is supposed to be vacation.

So right now I write this in our 62 degree room shivering without a blanket (really, who needs a blanket in this heat unless you find the last hotel room in Iowa) but am thrilled at the idea of riding only 45 miles in these conditions rather than 75. This may make me love Iowa again after yesterday's debacle.

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