Some random musings about my time on my bike while riding across Iowa with Team Cuisine.

Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Just a few days to go!

As I start to pack and get all my gear together for this year's ride I am getting a little more excited.  My favorite week of the year is almost here!! The emails have been flying around between my Team Cuisine family, some of them are even serious but not many.

Monday started the preparation for Team Cuisine.  Early Monday we will start the removal of all of the supplies from the Irish Cottage (aka Red's wife's house) and each day we will work on a little more to prepare us to take 24 riders, TOB, 2 support staff and 3 chefs across the state if Iowa.  It still amazes me how well this team works together but I guess people will do whatever is asked to be fed a gourmet meal every night!!!

This year's route is a northern route and the hills look like they will be a little easier on the legs this year and with the mileage around only 400 miles and a day off to be a "house captain" this year it should be one of the more enjoyable rides yet!!  We also get to go through some Iowa towns that are special to me and my family.  Algona is the hometown to most of my wife's family, Clear Lake has the Surf Ballroom where Buddy Holly, Big Bopper and Ritchie Valens played their last show and Decorah is the town my wife and I got married in.  It really is like they designed the route just for me this year!!

Well, I need to get back to my training which at this point is eating a lot of food and staying up past my bedtime.  I'll post again this weekend with some good stories about the long bus trip out to Orange City!!

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